
Madchester—The App Concert Attendees Love


The MIDEM event was a great source of inspiration for us, so we decided to dedicate today's showcase to musicians, music lovers, and especially those behind the scenes that bring the music to life through running events. We contacted to a very special GoodBarber user whose app for the concert venue, Sala Madchester, is just the first of many in his exciting project...

Can you explain a little bit about the project behind the Madchester app?

The Madchester app is the first application of many as part of a new app making business endeavour called Ja!apps. The idea of getting involved in this line of work was born months ago and the first phase will include pub, disco, and concert venue related applications. However, we would like to extend it to other kinds of businesses and activities in the future.

I’ve been developing web projects more or less since the birth of the internet, and have paid close attention to the evolution of companies' needs in order to achieve a high quality internet presence.

The first step in achieving that online presence is having a website, a high presence in search engine results, and participating in promotional campaigns through banners and social networks. However, in order to have a strong online presence these days you must also have an app for mobile devices. This is how the Ja!apps project started.

Why did you decide to include an app in the project?

When I started gaining a full understanding of the number of different platforms that a company must manage in order to achieve a strong online presence (web, blog, photos, videos, social networks, shops, tickets, etc.) I realized how disaggregated all these components are, therefore making it very difficult for the end user to stay fully updated on all news. If we put ourselves in the user’s shoes, for example, as a Sala Madchester (concert venue) customer, who wants to be informed on what's going on, he or she will have to visit the website, blog, social networks, Instagram… the list goes on. In the end most of the clients just visit Facebook anyways.

This disintegration of information made me realize how valuable an app is for a company— it enables it to include all its practical information in addition to its online presence all in one space. This makes it much easier for the users to update themselves on the brand news while also having access to supplemental information that he/she would never have access to by solely checking the Facebook page.

An important feature of apps that improves the communication between the client and the company is push notifications. They allow concert venues to directly notify the app user about upcoming events, special offers, and if necessary, to warn them in the case of possible delays or other unexpected occurrences. It is the perfect tool for establishing an open line of communication between the client and the venue, ultimately increasing client engagement.

What benefits has the app brought to the project? Were your expectations met?

For the moment, it's still early to evaluate all the benefits the application can bring to Sala Madchester. Nevertheless, both the clients and users who saw the app before it was launched were big fans.

We would like to continue making apps for more members of the entertainment industry—in fact, we are already in the initial development stage of creating two more applications for customers. The fact that apps are so well-received by the public tells us that it will be a great tool for promoting businesses and engaging clients.

Once the app has been launched and its promotional campaign has begun, we will use the tracking and analysis tools that the GoodBarber platform provides to evaluate the initial results and strategize on how we can extend this project to other sectors and types of clients.

Why GoodBarber?

After trying several platforms that allow you to create an app, we noticed GoodBarber’s platform is especially easy to use, thanks to its user-friendly interface for both developers and final clients. 

It also enables a high level of app customization, through basic manipulations as well as more advanced API modifications. 

Another point that made us choose GoodBarber was its roadmap; the fact that the company is continuously launching new features was a big seller. In order to meet our clients' requests we need to have a large range of steadily evolving options. We cam't wait to hear about what new features are being released next! 

Any advice for our readers?

Starting a technology related project like this that involves constant change and evolution, or for any professional activity for that matter, I always recommend full self-investment, passion, and an energetic attitude. 
It would be unreasonable to think our project will be better than all of the existing ones, because there is always someone better. However, it is important to invest all of our knowledge, energy, and available tools into achieving our goals—it’s the best way to achieve our professional goals success.