
Beautiful Apps Engine: Update #1121


Here is the changelog for this Tuesday update :


- You can now restrict reading comments to logged users
- You can now restrict bookmarking to logged users
- You can now set the list opacity in Bookmark section
- Add Japanese language
- Add a description in link items of Facebook sections
- Graphic adjustments in Flat Design
- Bug fix : Player resumes correctly in Podcast section
- Bug fix : In Submit sections, default texts disappear when user starts typing text


-Videos in articles are working now.
-Possibility to customize swipe and back buttons.
-Possibility to have Flat Design.
-Bug fixed: margins and colors in searchBar are correct.
-Bug fixed: better display of PullToRefresh and RelaseToLoadMore animations.


- New settings for the Swipe button : 2 new predefined types
- New settings for the Back button : 3 new predefined types, specific image allowed (developer option only)
- New settings for the TabBar : general background, selected section background, separator color
- New page: Promote tools / Widget
- New page: Promote tools / Buttons
- Bug fixed (Preview): CircleBand type above the search engine
- Top menu re-organization
- New profile menu layout
Don't forget to rebuild your app to apply these changes :)